Mobile security patrols provide a cost-effective alternative to Static Security Guarding and can be tailored to fit the specific security requirements of your business premises.

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USSG Ltd provides security mobile patrols to occupied or vacant premises with Security Officers carrying out internal and external patrols as agreed..

At agreed schedules our mobile security patrols will visit and inspect your premises providing a visible deterrent to would-be intruders.
Our Security Patrols can be high profile or covert, additionally we can provide security warning boards.

All our response officers and vehicles can be tracked in real time, with pictures, video, or set patrol NFCC tag points being sent to our clients after each visit should you wish.

Mobile Patrol
Our mobile patrol officers can also carry out a preventative role by checking on potential security risks such as windows and doors left open, fires or flooding. Additionally, we can undertake a range of other bespoke services whilst at your premises and tailor the service to meet your requirements.

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